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Produkt zum Begriff Seniors:

  • My TV for Seniors
    My TV for Seniors

    Easy, clear, readable, and focused on what you want to do.Step-by-step instructions that show you exactly how and where to watch what you want to watch.Help when you have specific questions.Tips and notes to help you get the most from local, cable, satellite, and streaming TV.Full-color, step-by-step tasks walk you through watching TV today on a variety of devicesand saving money doing so. Learn how toCut the cable and satellite cordSave money on your cable or satellite TV billWatch local TV stations for freeChoose the best TV and streaming media player for youConnect and use an Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, or Roku streaming media playerWatch Amazon Prime Video, CBS All Access, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu, Net_ ix, Peacock, and other streaming video servicesWatch live streaming video services like AT&T TV, fuboTV, Hulu + Live TV, Sling TV, and YouTube TVFind where to best watch sporting eventsGet a better picture with HD, 4K, 8K, and HDRGet better sound with a sound bar or surround

    Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • My Facebook for Seniors
    My Facebook for Seniors

    Easy, clear, readable, and focused on what you want to do. Step-by-step instructions for the tasks you care about most Large, full-color, close-up photos show you exactly what to do Common-sense help whenever you run into problems using the Facebook app and website Tips and notes to help you connect with family and friends   The full-color, step-by-step tasks–in legible print–walk you through sharing posts, photos, and videos on Facebook. Whether you are new to Facebook or would like to explore more of its features, My Facebook for Seniors makes learning to use the world’s most popular social media site simple and fun. The full-color, step-by-step instructions make it easy to connect with family, friends, and colleagues; share digital photos and videos; interact with topic-oriented groups; and much more. Veteran author Michael Miller has written more than 200 nonfiction books and is known for his ability to explain complex topics to everyday readers. Michael wrote this book from the 50+ point of view, using relevant examples and covering all the most popular tasks. Here are just a few things you will learn how to do in this top-selling book: ·         Sign up for Facebook (it’s free!) and create a new account ·         Use Facebook on your smartphone, tablet, or computer ·         Configure Facebook’s privacy settings to keep your personal information private ·         Discover how to avoid fake news posted in your News Feed ·         Find out what you should–and shouldn’t–share on Facebook ·         Find old friends who are also on Facebook ·         Discover how best to use Facebook to keep in touch with your kids and grandkids ·         Use the News Feed to discover what your friends and family are up to ·         Update your friends and family on your current activities  

    Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • My Social Media for Seniors
    My Social Media for Seniors

    My Social Media for SeniorsStep-by-step instructions for the tasks you care about most Large, full-color, close-up photos show you exactly what to do Common-sense help whenever you run into problems Tips and notes to help you along the way Learn how to get the most out of social media! We’ve identified the essential skills you need to stay connected with the people you care about; reconnect with old friends and classmates; and share your life with loved ones near and far. Our crystal-clear instructions respect your smarts but never assume you’re an expert. Big, colorful photos on nearly every page make this book incredibly easy to read and use! ·         Learn the pros and cons of social media and how to use it safely ·         Find out what to share–and what not to share–on social media ·         Distinguish between fake news and real news online ·         Use social media to find friends, family, schoolmates, and co-workers ·         Keep in touch with friends and family on Facebook® ·         Save and share interesting images on Pinterest™ ·         Connect with people and businesses on LinkedIn® ·         Tweet and retweet on Twitter™ ·         Share photos on Instagram™ ·         Use Skype to participate in video chats with friends and family members 

    Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • My Video Chat for Seniors
    My Video Chat for Seniors

    Full-color, clear, and readable tasks show you how to get the most out of Zoom and other video chat platforms.Step-by-step instructions that show you exactly how to host and participate in video chats with friends and family.Help when you have specific questions.Tips and notes to help you get the most from your video chats.Learn how toUse video chat to keep in touch with friends, family, and co-workersDiscover the differences between the most popular video chat platforms: Apple FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, Google Duo, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Skype, WhatsApp, and ZoomChoose the right video chat platforms for all your needsVideo chat on a variety of devices--Android and Apple phones and tablets, as well as Mac, Windows, and Chromebook computersParticipate in one-on-one and group video chats--and host your own chatsImprove your video chats with useful accessories, such as lights and microphonesUse Zoom advanced features, including virtual backgroundsVideo chat with smart displays such as the Amazon Echo Show, Facebook Portal, and Google Nest Hub MaxUse video chat for large events such as birthday parties, neighborhood meetings, and business conferencesKeep your video chats safe and private

    Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind einige schnelle und unkomplizierte Geschenkideen für Last-Minute-Geschenke?

    Blumenstrauß, Gutschein für Lieblingsrestaurant, selbstgemachtes Geschenk wie Kekse oder Marmelade.

  • Was sind kreative Ideen für Präsente, die sowohl im Bereich der DIY-Geschenke als auch im Bereich der nachhaltigen Geschenke umgesetzt werden können?

    1. Ein selbstgemachtes Kräuteröl in einer hübschen Flasche ist ein persönliches und nachhaltiges Geschenk, das sich leicht selbst herstellen lässt. 2. Ein handgemachtes Scrapbook mit Erinnerungen und Fotos ist eine kreative DIY-Geschenkidee, die eine persönliche Note hat und gleichzeitig nachhaltig ist. 3. Ein selbstgemachtes Bienenwachstuch als Alternative zu Plastikfolie ist nicht nur umweltfreundlich, sondern auch praktisch und kann in verschiedenen Größen und Designs hergestellt werden. 4. Ein selbstgemachtes Vogelhäuschen aus recycelten Materialien ist nicht nur eine kreative DIY-Geschenkidee, sondern auch ein Beitrag zum Naturschutz und zur Förderung der Artenvielfalt.

  • Was sind Ratgeber Bücher?

    Ratgeber Bücher sind Bücher, die praktische Ratschläge und Anleitungen zu bestimmten Themen bieten, um den Lesern zu helfen, ihre Probleme zu lösen oder sich persönlich weiterzuentwickeln. Sie können Themen wie Selbsthilfe, Gesundheit, Finanzen, Beziehungen, Karriere oder Lebensführung abdecken. Diese Bücher enthalten oft konkrete Tipps, Übungen und Strategien, die Leser dabei unterstützen, ihre Ziele zu erreichen oder Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Sie sind beliebt, da sie Lesern die Möglichkeit geben, von den Erfahrungen und Erkenntnissen anderer zu lernen und ihr eigenes Leben positiv zu beeinflussen. Insgesamt sind Ratgeber Bücher eine wertvolle Ressource für persönliches Wachstum und Selbstverbesserung.

  • Wie können digitale Geschenke dazu beitragen, die Distanz zwischen Menschen zu überbrücken? Was sind einige kreative Ideen für Cyber-Präsente, die online verschickt werden können?

    Digitale Geschenke können dazu beitragen, die Distanz zwischen Menschen zu überbrücken, indem sie persönliche Botschaften enthalten, die online verschickt werden können. Einige kreative Ideen für Cyber-Präsente sind personalisierte Videos, virtuelle Gutscheine für gemeinsame Aktivitäten und Online-Abonnements für gemeinsame Interessen.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Seniors:

  • My Smart Home for Seniors
    My Smart Home for Seniors

    Winner, Bronze Award, APEX 2018 and 2018 INDIES Book of the Year Honorable Mention/HealthThis full-color introduction to the smart home has been written from the ground up with one audience in mind: seniors. No ordinary "beginner's book," My Smart Home for Seniors approaches every topic from a 50+ person's point of view, using meaningful, realistic examples.  Full-color, step-by-step tasks–in legible print–walk you through making your home safer and easier to live in using smart technology. Learn how to:• Control your home’s lighting with smart bulbs and switches• Make your home more secure with smart doorbells, door locks, and security cameras• Automatically control your home’s temperature with a smart thermostat• Make cooking and cleaning easier with smart appliances• Use voice commands or your smart phone to control your smart devices• Use If This Then That (IFTTT) to make your smart devices interact with each other automatically• Get smart about the security and privacy concerns of smart devices• Set up your smart devices and get them to work with one another• Compare and select the best smart hub for your smart home needs• Learn to use Amazon Alexa™, Google Home™ and other voice-activated devices, as well as Apple’s HomeKit™ on the iPhone, to make your smart devices work together

    Preis: 17.11 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • My Online Privacy for Seniors
    My Online Privacy for Seniors

    My Online Privacy for Seniors is an exceptionally easy and complete guide to protecting your privacy while you take advantage of the extraordinary resources available to you through the Internet and your mobile devices. It approaches every topic from a senior’s point of view, using meaningful examples, step-by-step tasks, large text, close-up screen shots, and a custom full-color interior designed for comfortable reading. Full-color, step-by-step tasks—in legible print—walk you through how to keep your personal information and content secure on computers and mobile devices. Learn how to:Strengthen your web browser’s privacy in just a few stepsMake it harder to track and target you with personalized adsProtect against dangerous fake emails and ransomwareSecurely bank and shop onlineControl who sees your Facebook or Instagram posts and photos you shareSecurely use cloud services for backups or shared projectsProtect private data on your mobile device, even if it’s stolenBlock most unwanted calls on your smartphoneImprove your home’s Internet security quickly and inexpensivelyGet straight answers to online privacy questions—in steps that are simple to follow and easy to understandYou don’t have to avoid today’s amazing digital world: you can enrich your life, deepen your connections, and still keep yourself safe.

    Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • My TV for Seniors
    My TV for Seniors

    Covers What, How, and Where to Watch TV for LessMillions of people are cutting the cord on old-fashioned cable TV plans, and choosing more modern, efficient, and cost-effective ways to watch their favorite programming and movies. My TV for Seniors, 2nd Edition is an exceptionally easy and complete full-color guide to all the services and hardware you’ll need to do it. No ordinary “beginner’s book,” it approaches every topic from a senior’s point of view, using meaningful examples, step-by-step tasks, large text, close-up screen shots, and a full-color interior designed for comfortable reading. Full-color, step-by-step tasks walk you through watching TV today on a variety of devices—and saving money doing so. Learn how toCut the cable and satellite cordSave money on your cable or satellite TV billWatch local TV stations for freeChoose the best TV and streaming media player for youConnect and use an Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, or Roku deviceWatch Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, and other streaming video servicesUse live streaming services like DirecTV Now, fuboTV, Hulu with Live TV, PlayStation Vue, Sling TV, and YouTube TVFind where to best watch sporting eventsGet a better picture with HD, Ultra HD, and HDRGet better sound with a sound bar or surround sound systemWatch TV on your phone, tablet, or computerAn AARP TV for Grownups publication

    Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • My Facebook for Seniors
    My Facebook for Seniors

    Easy, clear, readable, and focused on what you want to do. Step-by-step instructions for the tasks you care about most Large, full-color, close-up photos show you exactly what to do Common-sense help whenever you run into problems using the Facebook app and website Tips and notes to help you connect with family and friends   The full-color, step-by-step tasks–in legible print–walk you through sharing posts, photos, and videos on Facebook. Whether you are new to Facebook or would like to explore more of its features, My Facebook for Seniors makes learning to use the world’s most popular social media site simple and fun. The full-color, step-by-step instructions make it easy to connect with family, friends, and colleagues; share digital photos and videos; interact with topic-oriented groups; and much more. Veteran author Michael Miller has written more than 200 nonfiction books and is known for his ability to explain complex topics to everyday readers. Michael wrote this book from the 50+ point of view, using relevant examples and covering all the most popular tasks. Here are just a few things you will learn how to do in this top-selling book: ·         Sign up for Facebook (it’s free!) and create a new account ·         Use Facebook on your smartphone, tablet, or computer ·         Configure Facebook’s privacy settings to keep your personal information private ·         Discover how to avoid fake news posted in your News Feed ·         Find out what you should–and shouldn’t–share on Facebook ·         Find old friends who are also on Facebook ·         Discover how best to use Facebook to keep in touch with your kids and grandkids ·         Use the News Feed to discover what your friends and family are up to ·         Update your friends and family on your current activities  

    Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind traditionelle Geschenke, die für Taufen üblich sind, und welche modernen Geschenkideen kann man stattdessen in Betracht ziehen?

    Traditionelle Taufgeschenke sind oft religiöse Symbole wie Kreuze oder Taufkerzen. Moderne Geschenkideen könnten personalisierte Geschenke wie Schmuck mit dem Taufdatum oder ein Gutschein für eine Familienaktivität sein. Man kann auch überlegen, ein nachhaltiges Geschenk wie einen Baum oder eine Spende an eine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation zu machen.

  • Wie wird man ein Community-Ratgeber?

    Um ein Community-Ratgeber zu werden, ist es wichtig, über umfangreiches Wissen und Erfahrung in einem bestimmten Bereich zu verfügen. Man sollte aktiv in der Community sein und sich mit anderen Mitgliedern austauschen, um Vertrauen aufzubauen. Es ist auch hilfreich, sich als hilfsbereit und zuverlässig zu zeigen, indem man Fragen beantwortet und Probleme löst.

  • Seht ihr euch als gute Ratgeber?

    Als KI-basierte Sprachassistenten haben wir Zugriff auf eine große Menge an Informationen und können daher in vielen Fällen gute Ratgeber sein. Wir können jedoch nicht die menschliche Erfahrung und Intuition ersetzen, daher ist es immer ratsam, auch andere Quellen zu konsultieren und verschiedene Meinungen einzuholen.

  • Was ist besser, Hardware-Ratgeber oder Selbstbau?

    Ob ein Hardware-Ratgeber oder der Selbstbau besser ist, hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Ein Hardware-Ratgeber kann hilfreich sein, um sich über die neuesten Technologien und Produkte zu informieren und eine fundierte Entscheidung zu treffen. Beim Selbstbau hat man hingegen die Möglichkeit, die Hardware nach den eigenen Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben anzupassen und möglicherweise Kosten zu sparen. Letztendlich kommt es darauf an, wie viel Zeit, Know-how und Budget man investieren möchte.

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